среда, 8 января 2014 г.


It doesn't matter if it's the Super Bowl, the Stanley Cup, the NBA Finals, the World Cup final, home page for norwegian cruise lines or (in this case) the World Series. People want to be there, to experience the "drama" home page for norwegian cruise lines in person. Despite the proliferation of ridiculous home page for norwegian cruise lines HD home television systems, and crazy ticket prices, some people will always shell out the money to be there to see it live. The 2013 World Series between the Red Sox and Cardinals is no different. In fact, given the comparitively small size of Fenway Park, it's arguably worse for Bostonians then normal. We've all heard about the guy who got a $6 ticket to Game 1. What about the other end of it? Here's an examination of some of the more outrageously priced tickets.
(I've taken the prices from StubHub's Game 7 listings. I know, there might not be a Game 7, but this is a fact that actually proves my point even more. People are jockeying this hard for what is only a hypothetical game at this point.)
Just to set the scale, I'm starting out with the cheap seats. The term "cheap seats" has never had a more liberal definition than this. The cheapest ticket is in the $680-$700 range. And here's the kicker: it's standing-room-only, so when I said cheap seats, I guess that wasn't really true since you won't be sitting. This is almost understandable though. It would be a Game 7, and how often do you get to see the Red Sox in a World Series that went the distance. A couple hundred dollars is potentially explainable, home page for norwegian cruise lines especially if it's a classic game.
This is where is starts to get borderline out of control. There are still more than 100 of these types of seats available. And all you have to do is throw down no less than $5,000 . The good news is that your money will actually get you a seat this time. The bad news? You still have to actually pay for the league's most expensive beer. Also, YOU PAID $5,000 FOR A TICKET TO A SINGLE home page for norwegian cruise lines GAME.
Think about that for a second. That's over $10,000 more than the average American household income in a full year . I can't even try to rationalize that (and no one rationalizes doing ridiculous things in the name of sports), because it's simply impossible. Granted, there's a pretty good chance that no one will bite on this. For the sake of humanity, home page for norwegian cruise lines I hope so.
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