суббота, 4 апреля 2015 г.

Some hotel chains also require their locations to install carbon monoxide detectors. La Quinta Inns

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“These were, in my opinion, ocean city new jersey vacation rentals needless deaths,” said Rep. Becky Carney, D-Mecklenburg, who persuaded legislative leaders to include the language in a regulatory reform bill. “When people come into our state or travel across our state and stay in hotels, we want them to feel their safety is assured.”
Officials have concluded that a carbon monoxide leak at the Best Western hotel in Boone caused the April 16 deaths of a Washington state couple, Daryl Dean Jenkins and Shirley Mae Jenkins, as well as the June 8 death of Jeffrey ocean city new jersey vacation rentals Lee Williams, an 11-year-old Rock Hill boy. Jeffrey’s mother, Jeannie, is recovering from serious injuries.
The proposal would require that lodging establishments install carbon monoxide detectors in every enclosed space with a fossil-fuel burning heater, appliance or fireplace – and in every hotel room that shares a common wall, floor or ceiling with such spaces.
Carney and other lawmakers had previously said they’d push for a study to determine whether hotels should be required to install carbon monoxide detectors. But Carney said she was pleased that she could advance a proposal for action instead.
Starting July 1, changes to South Carolina’s building code also require ocean city new jersey vacation rentals carbon ocean city new jersey vacation rentals monoxide detectors in many new and existing hotels that have fuel-fired appliances or attached ocean city new jersey vacation rentals garages. South Carolina followed the lead of the International Building Code, which last year imposed requirements for carbon monoxide alarms in hotels.
Some hotel chains also require their locations to install carbon monoxide detectors. La Quinta Inns Suites says it requires the alarms in every location where there is a pool with gas-fired equipment. Marriott says it mandates the detectors wherever fuel-burning equipment is located within the hotel.
Todd Sommers, ocean city new jersey vacation rentals a spokesman for Best Western International, said the company has no carbon monoxide policy. Best Western “requires each hotel to comply with federal, state and local laws and standards, including those related to health and safety,” he said.
Carbon monoxide has killed some 400 people in North Carolina since 2001, including 39 in Mecklenburg County, an Observer analysis of state death certificate data found. ocean city new jersey vacation rentals More than half of North Carolina’s carbon monoxide deaths were accidental, data show.
Before the recent deaths, at least eight hotel guests nationwide had died of carbon monoxide poisoning in the past three years, according to a January investigation by USA Today. More than 170 people have undergone treatment.
In Boone, a state licensing board continues to look into the source of the deadly gas leak. A police ocean city new jersey vacation rentals investigation into the Best Western, meanwhile, has expanded to two other hotels operated by the same management company.
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