среда, 7 ноября 2012 г.

PORTSMOUTH A new airline looking to create nonstop service from several New England airports to Flor

PORTSMOUTH car coupon discount dollar rent A new airline looking to create nonstop service from several New England airports to Florida may have its sights set on the Portsmouth International Airport at Pease, but officials at the Pease International Tradeport said they have yet to have firm discussions with the airline.
Glazer said the goal is to link those cities with nonstop service to Melbourne, which he described as an alternative to busier airports in Orlando and Palm Beach. He says the service would start with 50-seat regional jets, and use bigger aircraft if there's demand.
Streamline LLC was slated to be the first commercial carrier at the airport since Skybus in 2008. It announced plans for initial service between Portsmouth and Trenton, N.J., and potentially to Atlantic City, N.J., but ended up backing out of the deal.
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